5+ Ways that Anabolic Steroids Affect your Health

You may have heard about the benefits of anabolic steroid online, but how much do you really know about the possible health complications of steroid use?

Androgenic-anabolic steroids (AAS) are synthetic steroid hormones that provide your body with similar effects as completely natural hormones, such as: human growth hormone (hCG) and testosterone.

Similar to the functions of these natural hormones in the body, there are many bodybuilding gains that can be derived from using anabolic steroids. First of all, steroids can help you gain significant body weight which makes it a great choice for bodybuilders wanting to run a bulking bodybuilding program. In this training program, you can increase your bone mass and also gain dry, vascular skeletal muscle mass.

Secondly, there are anabolic steroids pills like Dianabol that are fantastic for running a cutting or weight loss program. But steroids were not originally created for sportsmen and women, in fact steroids were initially designed for their potential in medical science.

To this day, many popular anabolic steroid online drugs are used in a number of medical treatments. For example, steroids are used in treating patients with little or no appetite, as anabolic steroids are capable of increasing a person’s appetite. People with HIV/AIDS or those suffering from one form of cancer or another are known to be treated with steroid medicine to improve appetite and to promote weight gain.

Even children are not excluded from being treated with steroids, as hypogonadism, a condition that can adversely affect puberty in male patients and one that is characterised by low levels of testosterone hormone in the body can be treated with synthetic testosterone.

Steroid hormones play a very significant role in sports, with strength athletes like strongmen, powerlifters, and bodybuilders using anabolic steroids to improve their physique and physical performance.

But like with any medication, steroid medicine may leave users with side effects. Some of these side effects may be reversible while others may be irreversible. Although the severity of steroids pills or steroid injection side effects can be exacerbated by the misuse of steroids.

When you buy anabolic steroid online without the recommendation of a qualified bodybuilding trainer or medical doctor and you self-medicate by running cycles and taking doses that are way beyond what is considered safe, then you could place yourself at risk of severe health complications.


I. How do Anabolic Steroid work?

Whichever anabolic steroid online that you decide to buy, you should know that they have varying degrees of both anabolic and androgenic effects. It is the anabolic effects of steroids that help with the development of bone density and muscle mass while the androgenic effects are responsible for development of male sexual traits.

 – Anabolic Steroids Promote GH and IGF-1 Production

While in the body, anabolic steroids act in a number of ways. To begin with, the growth hormones or GH in your body is increased when steroids are taken. With the increase in growth hormones, there is a resultant spike in IGF-1 production. IGF-1 will stimulate the growth as well as regrowth of bone, cartilage, and skeletal muscle tissue.

 – Anabolic Steroids Limits the Adverse Effects of Cortisol

The anabolic steroid online that you order from a reputable dealer in genuine steroids like Upsteroid.com can help to limit the effects of cortisol (stress hormone) in your body.

Cortisol has the debilitating effect of wearing out skeletal muscle tissue especially during intense workouts. However, with the use of anabolic steroids pills or injectables, you will be able to prevent cortisol from diminishing your muscle mass.

 – Anabolic Steroids Speed Up Muscle Injury Recovery

As you spend time lifting heavy weights in the gym, your skeletal muscle fibres tend to experience wear and tear. While these tears are usually microscopic in nature, they can in fact cause muscle fatigue.

With the use of steroids like testosterone enanthate, your skeletal muscle fibres will heal quickly. In addition to this, steroids will stimulate the regrowth of much bigger and stronger muscle fibres.

 – Anabolic Steroids Increase Production of Oxygen in the Body

Anabolic steroids can increase the amount of red blood cells that your body produces. The haemoglobin in red blood cells are responsible for conveying oxygen to all parts of your body including your vital organs and skeletal muscle tissues.

With a higher red blood cell count, your oxygen intake is greater which also enhances your cardiac output as well as increases your energy, stamina, strength, and endurance levels.


II. 5 Ways the Use of Anabolic Steroid Online Can Affect your Health

#1. Blood disorders:

As mentioned already, the purchase and use of genuine anabolic steroid online can increase your body’s red blood cell count as well as haemoglobin. Haemoglobin are proteins contained in your red blood cells and the job of these proteins is to convey oxygen-rich blood to all parts of your body.

However, the increase in red blood cells (haematocrit) and the haemoglobin can also be a bad thing as it can lead to “sludging” which is a polycythaemia that can be caused by high levels of testosterone in the body.

Sludging makes your blood thicker in texture and appearance. This thickened blood can ultimately result in the formation of severe and potentially fatal blood clots in your bloodstream.

#2. Cardiovascular disease:

Some anabolic steroid online medications have the effect of increasing the level of your low-density lipoprotein (LDL) otherwise called “bad cholesterol” while at the same time reducing your high-density lipoprotein (HDL) or “good cholesterol” level.

Steroids can also increase the level of your C-reactive protein or CRP. CRP is an inflammation marker in your body and with high levels, you become more prone to cardiovascular disease.

Similarly the resultant effect of a rise in LDL and reduction in HDL levels is that your risk of suffering from cardiovascular disease increases. Some of these include; angina, left ventricular hypertrophy, enlargement of the heart, stroke, heart attacks, atherosclerosis (a condition where your arteries harden), cardiac arrest, heart failure, and also sudden cardiac death.


#3. Infertility:

Infertility is one of the steroids pills or steroid injection side effects that bodybuilders and athletes who are chronic users of anabolic steroids need to be wary about.

The regular purchase and use of real anabolic steroid online medicines can lower your body’s follicle-stimulating hormone or FSH and luteinising hormone or LH. These two hormones are important as they help with the production of sperm.

When the level of these hormones in your body are reduced, it leads to a corresponding reduction in your sperm count as well as sperm mobility. It is worth noting that your FSH and LH will reduce in just one day of using steroids while infertility caused by androgenic-anabolic steroid use may occur in a matter of months.

Fortunately, most steroid-induced infertility are reversible and you should notice improvements within 12 months of not using steroids. However, there are some individuals that may require more than 12 months to regain their fertility. These are usually people that have been using steroids for a very long period of time.

#4. Liver toxicity:

Many of the genuine anabolic steroid online drugs that you purchase are metabolised by your liver. The chemical compounds of steroids pills can put an enormous strain on your liver especially when steroids are used regularly and over an extensive period of time.

There are a couple of indicators of liver strain in steroid users and these are AST and ALT enzymes. A high level of these enzymes in your bloodstream will point to the fact that you may have liver health issues.

AST and ALT enzymes help with the metabolism of amino acids in your liver. If there is an inflammation of the liver or if your liver is damaged in some way, then the two enzymes will become more prominent in your blood. A blood test will reveal the amount of AST and ALT that exists in your bloodstream.

Liver toxicity can also be detected by the presence of two other enzymes in your bloodstream, these enzymes are GGT and ALP. A high level of these enzymes in your blood will point to the fact that you are suffering from liver toxicity. During the use of hepatotoxic steroids pills, it is important to supplement the steroids with liver protection drugs like liver protection (Samarin140).

#5. Thyroid dysfunction:

Your thyroid hormone takes care of many metabolic activities. In a situation whereby there is an imbalance of some sort with your thyroid hormone, then so many health problems can arise from such an imbalance.

The thyroid gland is located in your throat area and releases several hormones, such as; Triiodothyronine (T3), T4, PTH, and Calcitonin. T3 is a hormone that is produced by the thyroid gland and one that is responsible for regulating bone density, muscle growth, heart rate, digestion, and metabolism.


III. Conclusion

The 5 ways by which the anabolic steroid online that you buy and use can affect your health include; blood disorder, cardiovascular disease, infertility, liver toxicity, and thyroid dysfunction.

You can avoid these health complications by first consulting with your doctor or qualified bodybuilding trainer before you start a cycle. Your doctor will perform a thorough examination to ascertain if you have any underlying medical problem that can be exacerbated by steroid use.

Your trainer would recommend ideal steroid cycles and doses that are specific to your bodybuilding training program. Note that if you intend to use hepatotoxic steroids pills, you should also consider using liver supplements to protect your liver from possible damage.

Also, practice post-cycle therapy at the end of each steroid cycle to ensure that your natural hormones are regulated and brought back to their normal levels before you begin a new steroid cycle.


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