Are Injectable Steroids still in Popularity?

Anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS) is one of the most powerful steroid compounds that is used to improve your physical appearance and overall athletic performance. The people associated with the sports or fitness world are most probably aware of anabolic steroids and their effects on the human body. They are available in two forms: Oral anabolic steroids and Injectable steroids. Oral anabolic steroids include tablets, capsules or pills, whereas injectable steroids include injections. This article will describe the detailed information on Injectable steroids.

Oral steroids are easy to consume, but many of them are 17-c alpha alkylated steroid compounds. So, they can cause hepatotoxic effects. Oral steroids directly affect your liver health, so it is essential to use liver protection during those steroids cycles. Not only oral steroids but some of the injectable steroids are also liver toxic; you can easily protect your liver by using protection like Smarin or LIV-52. Injectable steroids can be taken for longer periods, such as up to 12 weeks.


What Are Anabolic Steroids?

Anabolic-androgenic steroids are synthetic variations of male sex hormones such as testosterone that naturally occur in the human body. It is also found in other animals. Testosterone is a primary male sex hormone that is responsible for various men’s characteristics changes. Previously anabolic steroids were used for medical purposes.

They were used to treat various medical conditions such as muscle wasting, anaemia, HIV/AIDS, breast cancer and other chronic diseases. Bodybuilders and athletes use it as a performance-enhancing drug. It will improve their muscle mass and strength. It also helps them to eliminate their body fats. You can find anabolic steroids for sale from here.

List Of The Best Injectable Anabolic Steroids

There are numerous injectable steroids available in the market. Here are the most popular ones:

  • Deca Durabolin (Nandrolone Decanoate)
  • Testosterone Cypionate
  • Testosterone Propionate
  • Testosterone Enanthate
  • Boldenone Undecylenate (Equipoise)
  • Primobolan (Methenolone Enanthate)
  • Trenbolone
  • Winstrol Depot.
  • Turinabol

All of them come with different positive and negative side effects. They are all used for various purposes. You can choose the best injectable steroids as per your goal.


The Best Three Injectable Anabolic Steroids

Here we will discuss the top three injectable anabolic steroids that bodybuilders use to increase their muscle mass and reduce body fats.

→ Testosterone

Testosterone is an injectable steroid that is commonly used to add significant muscle mass. Generally, it is used for bulking cycles. Testosterone has high androgenic properties, so they are also used to burn your body fats. It may help bodybuilders to preserve hard-earned muscle tissue and to reduce body fats. When you consume testosterone properly, it may help you to add 20-30lbs (9kg) of lean muscle mass.

Testosterone is safest from a cardiac perspective; it only causes mid changes in blood pressure and cholesterol. Professional bodybuilders and athletes use different testosterone ester variants such as:

  • Testosterone Enanthate
  • Testosterone Propionate
  • Testosterone Cypionate
  • Testosterone in Suspension
  • Sustanon 250
  • Testosterone phenylpropionate

All the above ester variants give the same benefits when you intake them properly with the right stack. The only difference between these different ester variants is their active half-life. Some of them are fast-acting, and some of them are slow-acting steroids.

Testosterone enanthate and cypionate are the most popular forms of testosterone. They are also used for medical purposes to treat men suffering from low testosterone levels. These injections are required only once or twice per week to produce slow and steady gains.

Suspension injections are required to be 2x per day, and they are painful to use. So, it is not recommendable for beginner users. Sustanon 250 is a mixture of four different slow and fast-acting steroids; it is the pure form of testosterone that gives you desirable results. When you use its high dose or long-term, it may cause various side effects such as:

  • Water retention
  • Gynecomastia
  • Male pattern baldness
  • Acne
  • Testosterone suppression
  • Enlarged prostate
  • Mood swings
  • Bloating
  • High blood pressure

Testosterone is converted into estrogen, so it causes aromatization. This can lead to various estrogenic side effects such as gyno, water retention, bloating. You can counteract all the above side effects by following the recommended dosage, cycle duration and protections (anti-estrogens).

→ Deca Durabolin

Deca Durabolin is also known as Nandrolone. It is slow-acting injectable steroids that produce significant muscle mass. It is typically used for bulking cycles. It has great anabolic effects and a lack of androgenicity. Deca Durabolin is not useful for fat burning because it decreases carnitine palmitoyltransferase I (CPTI) expression and thus inhibits fat metabolism.

Deca Durabolin is a mild steroid and not liver toxic. Bodybuilders and athletes have commonly used it for the past decades. It is one of the oldest and most popular anabolic steroids. When you use Deca properly with the right stack, it will give you tremendous benefits in terms of bodybuilding. But if you use its high dose or long-term, it may cause various side effects such as:

  • Mild increase blood pressure
  • Increase bad cholesterol level
  • Hair loss
  • Acne
  • Suppress testosterone level

It is essential to perform the post-cycle therapy at the end of the Deca cycle because the PCT supplements boost your testosterone level and save you from various negative side effects.



→ Trenbolone

Trenbolone is the most versatile steroid that is used for cutting and bulking purposes. It is a very potent injectable steroid available in two different forms Tren acetate and Tren enanthate. It has strong anabolic and androgenic properties, so it is a highly favoured steroid among bodybuilders. Its anabolic and androgenic values are 5x higher than testosterone.

It is the best anabolic steroid to increase muscle mass and eliminate body fats. It is also used for dry mass gains. When you consume Tren properly with the right stack, it will promote muscle size and significant strength. Tren is a strong anabolic steroid, so its high dose and long-term use may cause various side effects such as:

  • Liver toxic
  • Increase bad cholesterol level
  • Decrease good cholesterol level
  • This leads to cardiac hypertrophy
  • Increase progesterone levels
  • Baldness (Hair Loss)
  • Acne and pimples
  • Oily skin
  • Tren cough

It is mandatory to perform the post-cycle therapy at the end of the Tren cycle. The PCT supplements help you to combat various side effects. Following the recommended dosage with protection will give you various benefits with minimal side effects.



Pros And Cons Of Injectable Steroids

Remember, only high quality and original steroids will give you desirable results. So, always buy steroids for bodybuilding  from the top reputable steroid websites. Never go for cheap or legal alternative products because many websites sell fake products that give zero results. Here are the most common pros and cons of injectable steroids:


  • Less liver toxic
  • Better for heart
  • Decrease pain caused by inflammation
  • Down regulate immune function


  • Risk of HIV
  • Painful
  • Incorrect injection could prove fatal
  • Coughing


Where To Buy Injectable Steroids?

You can buy injectable steroids online ( from here. We sell high-quality steroids that directly come from reputable laboratories. It is necessary to use high-quality and original steroids products because their purity matters when it comes to anabolic steroids. So, always find reliable sources, don’t fool yourself by purchasing fake or legal alternative products.



Both injectable and oral anabolic steroids give you effective results when using them correctly with the right stack. You can combine oral and injectable steroids together to get more effective results. Many users believe that all oral anabolic steroids are liver toxic, but that is not true; some injectable steroids are also liver toxic. To protect your liver from various diseases, you need to use liver protection such as Samarin (liver protection) or LIV-52.

Contact our experts anytime to get free injectable cycle advice. They will guide you through the best cycle to achieve your target results with very minimal side effects.


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