Primo A 50mg-oral – Hutech International


Primobolan Acetate (Methenolone Acetate) is a powerful fat burner that’s often used in the cutting cycles. Although it’s administered orally, it’s very friendly to the liver. Besides, it is low in androgen and possesses no estrogenic properties. As a result, it’s touted as one of the safest fat burners on the market.

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  • Product and Laboratory: PRIMO 25 (Primobolan Acetate) by Hutech Labs
  • Effects: Inceases lean muscle mass, increased strength, reduces body fat
  • Ingredients: Methenolone (Ester: Acetate)
  • Form: Oral
  • Concentration: 50 mg/tab
  • Dosage: 100-200mg per day over the course of 6-8 weeks.
    Beginners Intermediate Advanced Female
    100mg per day 150mg per day 200mg per day 50-75mg per week
  • Protection during treatment: liver protection (Samarin) / tamoxifen (Nolvadex) / Anastrozole (Arimidex) / Clomifene (Clomid)
  • Pct post cycle therapy: tamoxifen (Nolvadex) / Anastrozole (Arimidex) / Clomifene (Clomid) / HCG
  • Stack: Anavar / Winstrol / Masteron / Trenbolone / T3 / Clenbuterol / Testosterone
  • Level: Suitable for all users

PRIMO 25 is considered one of the safest anabolic steroids on the market and it carries an excellent safety rating to back this claim. In fact, this steroid has been used successfully to treat underweight children and premature infants without damage. It is also prescribed for osteoporosis and sarcopenia. However, the primary purpose of Primobolan is treating muscle wasting diseases and prolonged exposure to corticoid hormones. It has also proven to be extremely effective in treating malnutrition.

Methenolone is a derivative of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) or more specifically a structurally altered form of DHT. A double bond at carbon one and two is added to the DHT hormone, which in turn greatly increases the hormone’s anabolic nature. It also carries an added 1-methyl group that protects it from hepatic breakdown. The addition of the Acetate ester further protects it from hepatic metabolism.

The final important trait of Primobolan is its affect on the immune system. The Methenolone hormone has been shown to significantly enhance the immune system. In fact, it has been successfully used in treating those with AIDS. For such an individual, he not only gets an immune boost but direct protection from what is a muscle wasting disease. This same immune boost will greatly benefit the performance enhancing athlete during the cutting phase.

Primobolan is a good base compound in a stack and can produce results just slightly below that of nandrolone and is best used in a cutting stack. Because Primobolan doesn’t aromatize, there is no use for Clomid or Nolvadex.


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Primo A 50mg-oral - Hutech International
