GHRP 6 5mg – Axiom Peptides WORLD

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Le prix initial était : $57.Le prix actuel est : $14.

Peptide GHRP-6 is type of peptide that heightens the release of natural growth hormone by the natural pulses of the body. Although it functions the same way as GHRP-2, it comes with the additional benefit of stimulating your appetite. If you have trouble consuming your calories during the bulking phase, then GHRP-6 will act as a booster. Hard gainers and athletes whose goal is to gain a wealthy of muscle mass can also never go wrong with this peptide.

SKU: GHRP 6 5mg - Axiom Peptides INTERNATIONAL Categories: , ,


  • Product and Laboratory: Peptide GHRP-6 by Axiom Peptides
  • Effects: Increases endogenous growth hormone release, stimulates appetite dramatically, increase lean muscle mass, anti-aging properties, cosmetic skin improvement, improved recovery time
  • Form: Injection
  • Concentration: 5 mg/vial
  • Presentation: 1vial
  • Dosage: 1-3mcg per kg of bodyweight 3-4 times per day over a duration of the users choosing
    Beginners Intermediate Advanced Female
    1mcg per kg of bodyweight/3-4 injections per day 2mcg per kg of bodyweight/3-4 injections per day 3mcg per kg of bodyweight/3-4 injections per day 1-3mcg per kg of bodyweight/3-4 injections per day
  • Protection during treatment: None needed if used alone
  • Pct post cycle therapy: None needed if used alone
  • Stack: Can be used with all products.
  • Level: Suitable for all users

Buy Peptide GHRP-6 by Axiom Peptides – 5mg vials

GHRP 6 is a crucial peptide that triggers secretion of growth hormone when summoned thanks to its ability to work exactly like ghrelin. Users of GHRP-6 are sure of achieving elevated fat burning potential and even a youthful appearance without the need to wait on the body to produce growth hormone naturally.

Axiom Peptides are acknowledged as producers of a first-rate variant of peptide, GHRP-6 which is why we strongly recommend them to our community.

Benefits/Positive Side Effects of GHRP-6

Growth hormones are vital building blocks of the body that aid in cell repair and ensure that you remain healthy. Normally, our bodies release this hormone at precise intervals during a day.

Without a doubt, growth hormone provides the body will limitless benefits but it’s never enough for those who demand more than the body can produce organically. As such, bodybuilders and aesthetic athletes looking for worthwhile changes in their body would require more of it than the amount produced naturally. GHRP-6 is designed to help you handle such kind of a situation.

Below are the key benefits of GHRP-6:

  • Enhanced cell recovery
  • Better functioning joints and safety
  • Rise in the energy levels
  • Elevated sexual appetite
  • Potential improvement to the immune system
  • Enhances the general wellbeing
  • Heightened cellular mass development
  • Possible rise in the strength levels
  • Elevated fat burning potential
  • Enhanced metabolism
  • Improved complexion (youthfulness)
  • Excessive rise in appetite

GHRP 6 5mg - Axiom Peptides WORLD

Le prix initial était : $57.Le prix actuel est : $14.