Liver Protection

Please note that no Samarin is currently available on the site. We advise you to buy it in a pharmacy. 

Steroids work by entering the blood stream and circulating to organs and hormonal glands. They also pass through the liver, which is responsible for cleansing the blood of any toxins – physiologically, the liver is the second most-important organ after the brain.

Excessive use of steroids – especially poor quality steroids – is potentially harmful to the liver. However, you can keep your liver safe by taking steroid cycles and complementing them with liver protection supplements. These supplements are designed to prevent hypertoxicity in the blood, which may put the liver in strain.

There are many brands of liver protection supplements. The most popular and efficient are Samarin and Liv 52.

What to Expect from Liver Protection Supplements

  • Protects against heartburn
  • Protects against acid reflux
  • Improves digestion motility
  • Improves the liver’s functionality and, consequently, reduces toxicity in the blood
  • Has some anti-inflammatory effects
  • General protection against typical antacid symptoms

Liver Boosting Supplements

1 Product


    After a long duration of using steroids, bodybuilders need Liver protection to protect their liver from toxicity. This protective drug plays a crucial role of lowering the toxin levels by up to 95% . Besides, it acts an excellent cell membrane stabilizer hence expediting the recovery of liver cells to prevent damage.