Testosteron Enantat ist eines der ältesten und beliebtesten Steroide. Seine Popularität verdankt es der Tatsache, dass es oft für einen ersten Zyklus exogener Testosterongabe empfohlen wird.
HP-Etho Testosterone (450mg) – Beligas-EU
Testosterone is responsible for male characteristics such as hairiness, a deeper voice and, of course, more developed and powerful muscles. On the other hand, testosterone also has a slimming effect, activating the metabolism and increasing the release of fat from adipocytes (fat-storing cells in adipose tissue). These cells contain the body’s lipid reserves) and inhibits the body’s storage of lipids.
Testosterone has very strong anabolic effects, and athletes use testosterone esters for rapid, vigorous muscle mass growth.
Testosterone comes in a variety of ester forms (Cypionate, Decanoate, Enanthate, Heptylate, Isobutyrate, Propionate, Suspension, Undecanoate).
Enanthate testosterone is one of the most widely used delayed-release forms of testosterone. With a duration of activity in the body of 2 to 3 weeks, an injection of 250 mg per week is generally sufficient to maintain high testosterone levels. In practice, however, the average dose is 500 mg per week. Enanthate testosterone produces a very rapid increase in strength and weight, with significant water retention and gynecomastia, which can be combated with the simultaneous use of anti-estrogens (Nolvadex and Proviron). As with all powerful androgens, it is necessary to boost endogenous testosterone production after the cycle has stopped, using Vitagon HCG or Clomid.
For an even more spectacular increase in weight and strength, bodybuilders use testosterone enanthate mixed with Oxymetholone (anadrol). Combined with Oxandrolone (anavar), in this form testosterone cypionate delivers strength and muscle volume. The most common mix partners are Primobolan and Boldenone.
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